Monday, September 21, 2009

Summer 2009

Here are some shots of our summer, it went pretty fast. Somehow an old clip of Scott made it in, otherwise these are from 2009


Unknown said...

Great video Mike. Perfect song.

Mary Ellen Gillmore said...

Thanks for doing that video...that was awesome! All of us really enjoyed that!
Did you take all those videos with your awesome iphone?
One more question...what program did you use to put them all together (probably something with a mac,hey? :)
Thanks again for sharing your summer memories. Your gymnastics are pretty good but Bethany's was FANTASTIC!

Michael G. said...

Thanks guys,
I'm glad you enjoyed it.

This is my current favorite song. Which means it is played pretty much nonstop in the car. That was the reason for actually making the video, the song was too big to email but I wanted you to hear it. It was my only option!

It worked out well for the this video. I knew I would use that "Time" video I made at the beach somewhere!

Mary Ellen,
Yes they were taken with my spectacular iPhone, except the old one of Scott. Yes, it was put together in iMovie. It actually took longer for it to load onto blogspot than it did to make the video!

Milton said...

Nicely done. It reminded me of some old home videos. You all looked to have a fun summer. Good tune.