Sunday, August 17, 2008

Tempel Farms

Today my family went to a horse show at Tempel Farms in Illinois. My Aunt and Uncle are the head trainers there. They only have Lipizzan horses, and they have the most Lipizzans of any farm in the U.S.

They showed all of their newcomers.

They were kind of curious.

Then they had "All Steps and Movements of the Classical School"

My Uncle then rode a horse and did all of these different steps. One of the steps looked like the horse was skipping!

And they jumped them.....

And finally, they did the School Quadrille.

Lipizzans are born dark, and as they get older, they get lighter, by three they are usually white. Sometimes, there is one that never lightens, but it's rare, this farm has two of them. They are known as good luck charms.


Maddison said...

OHHHHH!! Dressage!!!!